Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baku Open 2011 - Fantastic tournament in Azerbaijan Republic

Baku Open 2011 REGULATION
of the International Chess FESTIVAL
"Baku Open - 2011"
Dedicated to the independent day of
Azerbaijan Republic.

I. Organizers:

 Azerbaijan Youth & Sport Ministry
 Azerbaijan Chess Federation
II. Prize fund
The total prize fund is 50.000 Euro.
III. Tournament place and date
Tournament will be placed in hotel "AF HOTEL" (near Caspian Sea, Novkhani) as the Swiss system tournament (9 rounds).
IV. System of play
Tournament will be held as the Swiss system (9 rounds).

Time control: for each player - 90 minutes for the finishing of the game + 30 sec per move (beginning 1-st move).
V. Criteria of definition of the best player in sharing of places:
• Average rating of contenders
• Number of victories
• Game results between players
• Buchholz
VI. Registration
The last term for registration of the applications for participating in the tournament is July 31, 2011
VII. Schedule
05 August Day of Arrivlal
06 August Opening ceremony 15.00
06 August 1 st round 15.30
07 August 2 nd round 15.30
08 August 2 nd round 15.30
09 August 2 nd round 15.30
10 August 2 nd round 15.30
11 August 2 nd round 15.30
12 August 2 nd round 15.30
13 August 2 nd round 15.30
14 August 2 nd round 14.00
14 August Closing ceremony 18.00

Tournament A
Will be participate higher than elo 2250. (Women 2100)
VIII. Prizes:
1 place - 10000 € + kubok 9 - place - 1100 € 18 - place - 400 €
2 - place - 6000 € 10 - place - 1000 € 19 - place - 400 €
3 - place - 4000 € 11 - place - 700 € 20 - place - 400 €
4 - place - 2000 € 12 - place - 600 € 21 - place - 300 €
5 - place - 1500 € 13 - place - 500 € 22 - place - 300 €
6 - place - 1400 € 14 - place - 500 € 23 - place - 300 €
7 - place - 1300 € 15 - place - 500 € 24 - place - 300 €
8 - place - 1200 € 16 - place - 400 € 25 - place - 300 €
17 - place - 400 €
Women prizes:
1 place - 600 € 2 place - 400 € 3 place - 200 €

Prize for the best senior player :
1 place - 500 AZN 2 place - 300 AZN 3 place - 200 AZN

Valuable prize for the young player (under 18) who show the best result.
Prizes for the best 3 (three) players from Azerbaijan:
1 place - 2000 AZN 2 place - 1500 AZN 3 place - 1000 AZN

 Tournament B
Will be participate low than elo 2249.

1 - st place - 700 € 5 - th place - 200 €
2 - nd place - 500 € 6 - th place - 150 €
3 - rd place - 300 € 7 - th place - 150 €
4 - th place - 200 € 8 - th place - 150 €

Elo with 1750-1999 Elo with 0-1749
1 150 € 100 €
2 100 € 50 €
3 75 € 50 €

IX. Tournament Fee:
For other players next payment is necessary:
ELO Payment
2250-2399 20 AZN
2100-2249 30 AZN
2000-2099 40 AZN
Under 2000 50 AZN
without ELO 60 AZN

Following persons don't pay tournament fee:
• International Grand Masters (men and women)
• International Masters (men and women)
• Seniors (60 years and up)
• Children under 16 years

Grandmasters with ELO higher than 2630 (according FIDE Rating List - 1 July 2011) are provided with accommodation and feed (the first 10 registered for the participant in tournament).
AF hotel - double room with full board for per person is 50 AZN, only with breakfast is 25 AZN, Single room is 65 AZN with full board.
For the reservation please contact with organizers.

 X. Visa:
• Obtaining of visa from Embassies of Azerbaijan Republic.
For any additional information, please contact the Organizing Committee:
Khaqani str. 1, Baku, AZ1000, Azebaijan, Azerbaijan Chess Federation (ACF)
Tel: +99412 493-3841 or +99412 493-9084, Azerbaijan Chess Federation (ACF)
Email : azerbaijanchess@yahoo.com
Web (URL's): www.chess.az;

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Science Park Amsterdam Chess Tournament

Science Park Amsterdam Chess Tournament

The new Amsterdam international summer chess tournament will be held from 9 to 17 July. The playing conditions will be perfect in a high-tech, sportive and inspiring environment.
Chess and Science at Science Park AmsterdamAt Science Park Amsterdam you are surrounded by renowned scientists, researchers, high-tech companies, an impressive beta faculty and ambitious students. The playing venue is the brand new sports centre Universum.

Science Park Amsterdam offers several cozy bars and restaurants and it has excellent access by bicycle, public transport and car. Amsterdam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe and two thirds of the hotels are located in the city's centre.
There are four different groups:
 AdmissionFirst prize
Group ARated more than 2050€ 3000
Group B1800 – 2100€ 800
Group C1550 – 1850€ 500
Group DLower than 1600€ 250
Schedule: 9 - 17 July 2011
: 9 rounds, Swiss system.
Rate of play: 90 minutes for 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game; with an increment of 30 seconds per move from the start.
Start of the games
: Rounds 1 - 8 will start at 13.00 hrs. The 9th round will start at 12.00 hrs.
RegistrationInscription form.
List of ParticipantsGroup A | Group B | Group C | Group D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Romania Chess Tournament in Allyearchess : 4th Arad Open

4th Arad Open 5-11 august 2011; Prize fund 18.500 RON (4500 EURO)

The 4th Arad Open will start friday 5th august again in the beautifull Arad Cultural Palace (The Great Concert Hall).
The prize fund for this year will be slightly increased at a total of 4500 euro.
The entry fees are affordable for everyone and the accommodation conditions are just superb with the excellent Coandi Hotel at the rates as low as  17 euro/person/night in double room (special for chess players)
Come and discover western Romania and the beauty of Arad city. Many and interesting side events are waiting for you here: wine tasting trip, boat trip on the Mures river, bughouse and pair tournaments.
You are more than welcome here !



Monday, June 20, 2011

XXII. International Goch Open 2011

PlaceKultur- und Kongresszentrum Kastell
47574 Goch
Modus- 7 Rounds Swiss-System
- Time of reflection 90 minutes plus 30 seconds per move
   for the first 40 moves and then
   15 minutes plus 30 seconds per move to the end of the game
- no adjourned games
- Players arriving 30 minutes or more after the start
  of a round shall lose (FIDE Art. 6.6)
- scoring: win 3 points, drawn 1 point!
- Tie-Break at the same level of points,
   after that middle of Buchholz
- draw with SwissChess
- maximum 150 players
Schedule1. Round Thu, 29.09.2010 at 19:00 o'Clock
2. Round Fri, 30.09.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
3. Round Fri, 30.09.2011 at 16:00 o'clock
4. Round Sat, 01.10.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
5. Round Sat, 01.10.2011 at 16:00 o'clock
6. Round Sun, 02.10.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
7. Round Sun, 02.10.2011 at 15:30 o'clock
Awardabout 30 minutes after the last game.
Prizes1. Place    1.000,- €
2. Place    700,- €
3. Place    450,- €
4. Place    250,- €
5. Place    150,- €
TeamprizesThe four most successful players from a club will form a team.
Players, who already got a price (places 1-5) may not take part in a team.
For players, who got a Ratingsprice (group 1-9) it is allowed to take part in a team.
1. Winnerteam.......200,- €
2. Winnerteam.......100,- €
minimum eight teams, each team with minimum four players
RatingprizesPlayers with two or more Ratings: the highest rating is the one needed.
Players without a rating are in the lowest group.
1) 2100 - 2199
2) 2000 - 2099
3) 1900 - 1999
4) 1800 - 1899
5) 1700 - 1799
6) 1600 - 1699
7) 1500 - 1599
8) 1400 - 1499
9)          - 1399
1. Winner.......100,- €
2. Winner.........50,- €
minimum twelve players in each group
Entry-feefor all players 45,- € to pay till 21.09.2011
If you pay after 21.09.2011 you have to pay 50 €.
Enrolments are possible till 18:00 o'clock at the first day of the play.
The Entry-fee is to pay on the following account:
Owner: Wolfgang Evers
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Account-Nr. 852 186 26, BLZ 300 501 10
IBAN: DE09 3005 0110 0085 2186 26
We need the following Infos:
Name, Club, Date of birth
something elseIt is forbidden to smoke! 
Do not use your Mobile-phone in the tournament-room! 
Congress Centre without architectural feature that denies accesses to the handicapped! 
Every player can win only one prize!
Referee is Wolfgang Evers.
The tournament counts for the ELO-Rating and the national german DWZ-Rating.
AccomodationHotel am Kastell, Mr. van Ooyen
Telephone: +0049 2823 / 96 20 or Fax +0049 2823 / 96 244
InscriptionWolfgang Evers
Telephone: +0049 211 / 37 64 21
Mobile: + 0049 172 / 15 87 737

Thursday, June 16, 2011


A 2011 Yulgilbar-Think Big Australian Chess Grand Prix event - Class 2 

This is the third year Croydon CC have hosted a weekender. In line with our plan to gradually build our weekender up, this year we have increased the prize fund so it will be a Class 2 event. We have also moved it from the first weekend in October (as that weekend now clashes with the 2011 AFL Grand Final!) to the last weekend of school holidays in July (we have good heating... )

On to the details:
Saturday 16th:
Players need to register and pay by 10:45 am
Round 1: 11:00 am
Round 2: 3:00 pm
Round 3: 7:00 pm

Sunday 17th:
Round 4: 11:00 am
Round 5: 3:00 pm

VENUE: Croydon RSL, 1 Civic Sq, Croydon VIC 3136. About 400m from Croydon station. Melways: 50 - J4

FORMAT: Five round Swiss system. Games will be governed by the FIDE laws of chess and will be ACF rated.

FORFEIT TIME: Late arrival by 30 minutes from the start of the round will result in forfeiture.

TIME CONTROLS: Each player has 75 minutes initially with an additional 30 seconds per move.

$50 Standard entry
$40 Juniors & Croydon CC members
Early Bird: Deduct $5 if paid by Thursday, 9 June

$500 first place, $300 second place, $200 third place
$75 first adult under 2000
$50 first adult under 1600
$50 first adult under 1200
$75 first junior under 2000
$50 first junior under 1600
$50 first junior under 1200

Maximum one prize per entrant. Prizes to be shared equally in the event of a tie.

REGISTRATION & PAYMENT: Enter online at www.croydonchess.com
Pay by direct bank transfer. See website for other payment options. Online entries close 13 July 2011.

A maximum of one half point bye only will be permitted for rounds 1 to 3 only.


ENQUIRIES: contact the tournament organiser Jean Watson at jean.watson@croydonchess.com or club President Richard Goldsmith on 0407 348 172.

Proudly sponsored by Bendigo Bank, LJ Hooker and Northern Star Chess.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Le 15e Corsica Masters

 Le 15e Corsica Masters Bastia 22/29 oct Finale Ajaccio 31 oct

60 000 € de prix Programme

Forte dotation pour toutes les catégories elo et de nombreux prix spéciaux.

90 joueurs primés !

 Le Quiz Bastia 26 oct
doté de nombreux cadeaux

 La simultanée des champions  Bastia 27 oct
Le champion du monde Vishy Anand et 3 GMI face à 60 joueurs
20  premiers du tournoi jeunes + 20 joueurs du tournoi jeunes (tirage au sort), 20 joueurs du Corsica Masters ((tirage au sort pour les - 2300 elo)
 Tournoi de Blitz  Bastia 29 oct
9 rondes 3'+2" -   5 000€ de prix

• Les Trophées des jeunes BNP Paribas
Bastia 23 oct et Ajaccio 31 oct
Réservé au moins de 16 ans et - 2000 elo

Remise des prix en 2008 par Garry Kasparov, en 2009 par Vishy Anand et Anatoly Karpov

Unique au monde... 
30 000 € de prix en nature
140 prix :
ordinateurs portables, Ipads, Ipods, TV, consoles de jeu...
Tous les participants auront un beau cadeau souvenir

Mais aussi...

 un diner spectacle, un banquet corse offert à tous les participants.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Continental Chess Bulletin

    Continental Chess Bulletin
     Jun 5, 2011


Registered voters should receive their ballots for the 2011 USCF Executive Board election within a week or two. See CHECKMATE.US for candidate analysis by Bill Goichberg.   


Want to share a hotel room or transportation to save money at an upcoming CCA tournament? Post your interest on the new CONTINENTAL CHESS FORUM. This Forum is also available for discussion of CCA events, tournament formats, and chess issues in general. NOTE: To register, you must use your USCF ID number as your user name. 

4th annual Continental Chess 


5 rounds, August 5-7 or 6-7, 2011
Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel    
Free parking, free airport shuttle, $80 room rate!

$4000 MORE THAN LAST YEAR       

In 6 sections:   

OPEN: $2000-1000-600-300, clear or tiebreak winner $100 bonus, top Under 2200/Unr $1200-600.  FIDE rated.   

UNDER 2000: $1400-800-400-200.

UNDER 1800: $1400-800-400-200.

UNDER 1600: $1200-600-300-200.

UNDER 1300: $1000-500-250-150.

UNDER 1000: $300-200-100, trophies to top Under 800, Under 600, Unrated. 



Details posted at www.chesstour.com now include the following:

June 12: SCHENECTADY OPEN at Studio of Bridge & Games.  1-day Sunday tournament, 4 rounds, G/40, $1000 guaranteed.  Advance entries close Thursday, June 9.  ENTER NOW

June 24-28: 8th annual PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL at Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel.  9 round Swiss, GM and IM norms possible.  Prizes raised to $10,000 guaranteed, $500 minimum guarantee to foreign GMs, $250 to US GMs, foreign IMs, foreign WGMs. ENTER NOW


June 25-26: 3rd annual  WORLD OPEN GIRLS CHAMPIONSHIP. Two sections this year, Open and Under 1200!  ENTER NOW 

June 25-26: 3rd annual WORLD OPEN UNDER 13 CHAMPIONSHIP.  Two sections this year, Open and Under 1000!  ENTER NOW 

June 25-July 4 (each day):  WORLD OPEN SIDE EVENTS. 

June 30-July 4, June 28-July 4, July 1-4 or 2-4: 39th annual WORLD OPEN at Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel.  9 rounds, world's largest open tournament prize fund: $300,000 based on 1300 paid entries, $225,000 minimum.  Free analysis of your games and lectures by GMs, many side events.  Simultaneous exhibition by Grandmaster Ray Robson, youngest US GM in history, 10 am June 30.   ENTER NOW   SIDE EVENTS

July 15-17 or 16-17:  4th annual CHICAGO CLASS at Westin North Shore Hotel, Wheeling, Illinois.  Prize fund $5000 more than ever before for this event- $25,000 unconditionally guaranteed. No residence requirements.  ENTER NOW

July 22-24 or 23-24:  16th annual BRADLEY OPEN, Sheraton Hotel at Bradley Airport, Windsor Locks, CT, between Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA. Free parking, free airport shuttle. Larger prizes this year- $10,000 guaranteed.  ENTER NOW

July 29-31 or 30-31: 16th annual GREEN MOUNTAIN OPEN at Stratton Mountain Resort, Stratton Mountain (West Wardsboro), Vermont.  $3000 guaranteed prizes.  ENTER NOW

Aug 5-7 or 6-7:  4th annual Continental Chess CLEVELAND OPEN at Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $16,000 guaranteed prizes- $4000 higher guarantee than last year! ENTER NOW

Aug 5-7 or 6-7:  17th annual NORTHEAST OPEN, Sheraton Hotel (formerly Holiday Inn Select), Stamford, CT.  Downtown, free parking, easily reached by train from NYC, Westchester, or much of New England.  Larger prizes this year- $10,000 guaranteed.  ENTER NOW

Aug 11-14, 12-14 or 13-14: 41st annual CONTINENTAL OPEN.  6 rounds, Host Hotel at Cedar Lake, Sturbridge, MA.  Great summer vacation spot, swim in Cedar Lake, experience New England life of 1790-1840 at Old Sturbridge Village.  $30,000 projected prizes, $21,000 minimum.  ENTER NOW

Aug 12-14 or 13-14: 6th annual INDIANAPOLIS OPEN at Wyndham Indianapolis West. $18,000 projected prizes based on 220 paid entries, $13,500 minimum guaranteed. Last year this tournament also had $18,000 projected based on 220 and paid out the full projected prize fund!  ENTER NOW

Aug 17-21, 18-21, 19-21 or 20-21: MANHATTAN OPEN at New Yorker Hotel.  First big money tournament in New York City in 11 years! 9 rounds in Open with norms possible, 6 rounds in other sections. $100,000 projected prize fund, $70,000 minimum guaranteed.  ENTER NOW

Aug 26-28 or 27-28:  43rd annual ATLANTIC OPEN at Westin Washington Hotel, in our nation's capital 5 blocks from the White House.  $20,000 prize fund unconditionally guaranteed.  ENTER NOW

Sept 2-5, 3-5 or 4-5: 133rd annual NEW YORK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP at the luxurious Albany Marriott.  America's oldest annual tournament! 6 rounds, $13,000 guaranteed prize fund.  ENTER NOW

Sept 16-18 or 17-18: 4th annual LOUISVILLE OPEN at Holiday Inn Southwest Fair Expo, Louisville, KY.  $8000 projected prizes, $6000 minimum.  ENTER NOW

Oct 6-10, 7-10, 8-10, 6-9, 7-9 or 8-9:
2nd annual CONTINENTAL CLASS CHAMPIONSHIPS at Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA.  Master Section 9 rounds, FIDE rated with norms possible, Experts 9 rounds and FIDE rated, Class A and B 7 rounds, Class C, D, and E 6 rounds.  Only Class B and above play Monday, Oct 10 (Columbus Day).  $60,000 projected prizes, $40,000 minimum.  ENTER NOW

Oct 21-23 or 22-23: 2nd annual BOARDWALK OPEN at the historic Berkeley Hotel, one block from the boardwalk at Asbury Park, New Jersey.  $15,000 projected prizes, $10,000 minimum guaranteed. 
about CCA chess tournaments (revised Jan 10, 2011)

This email was sent to info@allyearchess.com by director@chess.us |  
Continental Chess | Route 94, Box 249 | Salisbury Mills | NY | 12577

Sunday, June 5, 2011

One of the best Spanish Chess Tournaments


Grand Slam Masters Final International Open

This year an International Chess Open will be organized among the activities of the Chess Grand Slam Final. This tournament will be valid for FIDE rating and will allow all chess players to play next to the big glass-cube in which the world’s top chessplayers will play the Grand Slam Final.
Tournament details:
  • Dates: from 6th to 11th of october 2011
  • Venue: Alhóndiga de Bilbao. Plaza Arriquibar, 4. Bilbao. Google Maps Map
  • Rounds: 8
  • Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds/move
  • Entry fee:
    • General: 25 €
    • Under 20: 15 €
    • GM, IM, FM, WGM, WIM, WFM, Rating FIDE >= 2350: Free. No further conditions offered.
    • Entry close: 30th of september 2011
  • Entry:
    • Using the on-line form.
    • The entry will not be valid until we receive the payment in this account:
      • IBAN: ES62 0182 1313 24 0201535295
      • Account owner: Mikel Ruiz
      • Bank office address: Lehendakari Agirre, 177-179. Bilbao
    • Please, send by e-mail the payment information: open@bilbaomastersfinal.com
  • Schedule:
    • Round 1, Thursday 6th, 18:00.
    • Round 2, Friday 7th, 10:00.
    • Round 3, Friday 7th, 18:00.
    • Round 4, Saturday 8th, 18:00.
    • Round 5, Sunday 9th, 10:00.
    • Round 6, Sunday 9th, 18:00.
    • Round 7, Monday 10th, 18:00.
    • Round 8, Tuesday 11th, 18:00.
  • Players may choose to take up to 2 half-point “byes” except in the 6th, 7th and 8th rounds.
  • Prizes: 16650 €
  • View player list
Every player registered before 0:00 CET of August the 1st, will enter in a drawing for two seats in a cabin cruiser MSC Opera that will depart from Bilbao to Venice from 20th to 28th of september. The prize doesn’t include transfers to Bilbao and Venice or living expenses. The draw will be done on a date to be announced in advance.
In case of discrepancy or interpretation doubts, the valid rules will be the ones written in Spanish.