Today I was shocked
The two-days battle between the Russians Alexander Grischuk and Alexander Morozevich finished in a short draw that was offered by Morozevich who thus admitted his defeat in the match since he lost the day before.
The winner of the match spoke on the volunteer resignation of the opponent at the press conference.
— Alexander, tell us on the development of the match?
— I think that I was not that lucky in the pairings. Morozevich is one of the strongest Grandmasters of the world and his rating should not give wrong estimation of his abilities. After the long pause he played three tournaments on the level of 2800. It turned out that the result of the match was decided yesterday. The first game of the 3rd Round was the most interesting among those I played for the last few years. I implemented a novelty that I discovered at the chess board rather early. Thereafter the game became extremely tense and we both got into time-trouble, pawns were for queening and the kings were under mate — a very fascinating game! I have no idea what happened today. I am not sure that I was shocked to such an extend in my chess career before.
— Do we get it right — there is a theoretic position on the board and Morozevich has to play off, however, he offers a draw?
— Exactly!
— Of course, it is not possible to read one’s mind, but let us fantasize what was the reason of this offer?
— I think this is up to journalists to do it, because this is a part of their job!
— Today you played Nimzowitsch Defense with Morozevich. How often do you use it in your games?
— I don’t think that I played it with Morozevich before but in my entire chess career I implemented it about 50 times.
— Who is your next opponent?
— The winner of the match Potkin — Vitiugov
— Do you have any preferences in this respect?
— I and Volodya were in the same group at the Institute of Physical Training and therefore I support him. It is not a matter of fact that it would be easier for me to play against either of them, it is just that Potkin and I are friends.
— Are there any unexpected games and results that surprised you at this World Cup?
— There were not that many in the previous rounds and we are expecting some in the third one.
— What do you think about the result of the first game Polgar — Karjakin?
— When Ivanchuk loses with White is always a sensation. The defeat of Karjakin can be considered as a surprise.
— It is the first World Cup that is held here in the Chess Academy? Do you like playing here?
— Yes, I do. The conditions are more comfortable here in the Academy than in the playing hall where we played before. I have a rather unpleasant recollection connected with the previous venue — I hit my head against a ceiling.
— You played against Feller from France at the previous round. Didn’t the unfortunate reputation of your opponent prevent you from concentration?
— No, absolutely not. I saw that he was playing on his own. Actually, if you think about it you risk to go crazy. Besides if a player really cheats nothing could help. So I had nothing to do but hope for providence!
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