Sunday, May 29, 2011

échecs en eXcursion destination Marrakech !

2eme Open International Excursion


c'est avec un gran plaisir que je vous retrouve pour cette seconde année échiquéenne. Après l'apparent succès du primier Tournoi International de Marrakech. l nous tardait de tirer tous les enseignements de cette  expérience fantastique et de revoir les échecs se jouer ici, dans cette magnifique cité marocaine.
 Depuis Juillet 2010, nous avons tenté de surfer sur la vague pour développer les échecs au Maroc.
Vous pouvez d’ailleurs apprécier toutes nos réalisations sur le site:
Aujourd’hui, c’est une nouvelle page qui s’écrit. Celle d’une synthèse de ce que nous a
vons vu, apprécié, repensé et adapté à la spécificité locale: des opens autant que vous le souhaitez, tant que cela plaira.

 Le second Open International de Marrakech inaugure le lancement de la formule « Echecs et Excursion » dite echeXcursion. Cette formule qui privilégie la famille se veut complète, c’est à dire qu’en dehors de votre billet d’avion, les équipes echeXcursion se chargent de votre séjour en pension complète, de l’Open et des non joueurs accompagnants durant toute la semaine de tournoi. A deux reprises, les joueurs découvriront les environs de Marrakech tout en jouant leur ronde sur le site visité !
L’équipe organisatrice ? La même qui a brillé lors du 1er Tournoi International auprès des GMI et MI, même professionnalisme, même enthousiasme et surtout, même désir de rencontre et de partage.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Changes in the top 10

Changes in the top 10

Activity Can Trump Structure

Some time ago GM Alexander Baburin wrote an interesting book entitled ‘Winning Pawn Structures. Taking an in-depth look at typical positions in which White has an isolated d-pawn Baburin went into great depth about the pros and cons of this structure and the plans for both sides.

Structure is undoubtably a very important factor in chess and Philidor’s comment that ‘pawns are the soul of chess’ is as true today as it ever was. Yet it is also important to remember that structure and positional chess are not the be all and end all. Checkmate ends the game!
I must confess a slight bias towards piece activity and combination as opposed to structure and dry positional play. Thus my game against Baburin took on certain elements of an idealogical battle as I happily allowed every one of my pawns to be weakened and sacrificed the d-pawn to boot! My primary goal was to bring my pieces within range of Black’s king.

Even in the post mortem we held quite differing views on the assessment of the position that arose after my 21st move and in fact my opponent found a better way to play. But by this stage he was in serious time-trouble and failed to find the best defence.

Monday, May 23, 2011

150 Festival Internazione Unità de ITALIA

150 Festival Internazione Unità de ITALIA


Chess Club ALFIERI

Via San Paolo, 160 - 10141 Torino

sponsored by the Piedmont Region, Turin Province, the Municipality of Turin
and the collaboration of the 3 rd District

is organizing the

Tournament in 9 rounds Swiss system for Italian and foreign players

a) Open A for players with Elo> 2000

b) Open B for players with Elo <2011

c) C Open for players with Elo <1500

d) Open Over 60 (six rounds) Turin, May 31 - June 5, 2011


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Great Festival of Chess in Switzerland -

Biel / Bienne

Biel International Chess Festival 2011

Magnus Carlsen
World Nr 2
Elo 2815
Vugar Gashimov
World Nr 10
Elo 2760
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
World Nr 20
Elo 2731

Fabiano Caruana
World Nr 28
Elo 2714
Alexander Morozevich
World Nr 44
Elo 2694
Yannick Pelletier
Elo 2587


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Open International de la Forge du Sud 2011

Open International de la Forge du Sud 2011


9 rounds / 20 minutes

Total prizes 3.600 €

500€, 350€, 300€, 250€, 200€, 175€, 175€, 150€, 150€

U2400: 150€ , 100€, 50€

U2200 : 125€, 75€, 50€

U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400: 100€, 60€, 40€

Venue: Lycée Nic.-Biever

28 rue du Parc
L-3542 Dudelange

Online registration
by email:
by fax: +352 51 17 49
at the venue from 8:15am to 9:00am (+5€)
Participation fee
Registration before 9th of September 2011: 20€ / 10€ for U18
Afterwards: + 5€
GM and IM registration free of charge

The participation fee must be paid cash at the registration. Bank transfers are not possible.

All players must be present before 9:00am.
Players not having checked in before 9:00am will only be paired for the 2nd round.
Beginning of the event Sunday at 9:30am

Time table
1st Round: 09:30am – 10:10am
2nd Round: 10:20am – 11:00am
3rd Round: 11:10am – 11:50am
4th Round: 12:00am – 12:40am
5th Round: 02:00pm – 02:40pm
6th Round: 02:55pm – 03:35pm
7th Round: 03:50pm – 04:30pm
8th Round: 04:45pm – 05:25pm
9th Round: 05:40pm – 06:20pm

Closing ceremony: Sunday at 7:00pm


Thursday, May 12, 2011

3°Festival Scacchistico “Ischia l’Isola Verde”

Open A

01 ° stay classification · € 600.00 **

02 ° stay classification · € 500.00 **

03 ° stay classification · € 400.00 **

04 ° classification · € 300.00

05 ° classification · € 250.00

06 ° classification · € 200.00

07 ° classification · € 150.00

08 ° ... 13 ° classification · · € 100.00

Rated 14 ° ° n ° 1 entry Good Festival 2012

Rated 15 ° ° n ° 1 Bottle Wine Cellar Fiorentino

Tournament B

01 ° Targa Stay classification · € 400.00 **

02 ° Targa Stay classification · € 350.00 **

03 ° Targa classification · € 300.00

04 ° classification · € 200.00

05 ° classification · € 150.00

06 ° classification · € 100.00

07 ° classification · € 90.00

08 ° classification · € 80.00

09 ° classification · € 70.00

10 ° classification · € 60.00

11 ° - 12 ° classification · · · · n ° 1 entry Good Festival 2012

Rated 13 ° ° n ° 1 Subscription semester. Tower and Horse

14 ° - 15 ° place .... No. 1 Box Wine Cellars Fiorentino


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Should every child be made to play chess?

Armenia is making chess compulsory in schools, but could mandatory study of a board game really help children's academic performance and behaviour?
Every child aged six or over in Armenia is now destined to learn chess. The authorities there believe compulsory lessons will "foster schoolchildren's intellectual development" and improve critical thinking skills.
The country has plenty of reasons to believe in chess. It treats grandmasters like sports stars, championships are displayed on giant boards in cities and victories celebrated with the kind of frenzy most countries reserve for football.
Chess is nothing less than a national obsession.
It may only have a population of 3.2 million, but Armenia regularly beats powerhouses such as Russia, China and the US and its national team won gold at the International Chess Olympiad in 2006 and 2008.
Added to that, the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has just been re-elected as chair of the Armenian Chess Federation.
Now the chess-mad country is investing nearly $1.5m (£920,000) to teach all of its children. But for other countries constantly strategising about how to boost child development and education, is making study of the Sicilian and the Queen's Gambit a good idea?
Proponents of chess in schools do claim some evidence. A two-year study conducted in the US by Dr Stuart Marguilies found that learning chess improved reading test scores and reading performance in elementary schools.
Armenian chess players celebrating a win In Armenia chess players are sports stars
Another study by Professor Peter Dauvergne, who is also a chess master, concluded playing chess could raise IQ scores, strengthen problem solving skills, enhance memory and foster creative thinking.
Malcolm Pein, chief executive of Chess in Schools and Communities, a programme that puts chess into UK schools, says there are lots of reasons why chess has a positive impact on primary school children.
"Not only does it give children good thinking skills and improve concentration, memory and calculation, but it teaches children to take responsibility for their actions.
"There are also behavioural attitudes and social attributes to the game too. Children shake hands at the start, and although it's not deathly silent in classes, it's reasonably quiet and disciplined."
Far from it just being the case that more academically-minded people are more likely to play chess, he says the game is a very universal and inclusive activity that can be played at all standards.
Turn off
"Someone who is four can play someone who is 104, someone that can't walk around can play a top class athlete. Sometimes children that have been overlooked in other ways - maybe the quietest or physically smallest child in class - could be the best.

“Start Quote

Chess is a very addictive process, a positive drug for children”
Raymond Keene English grandmaster
"The other outstanding thing about chess is it's so cheap, so it can really help children in areas that are economically disadvantaged."
Pein is a big supporter of chess being made compulsory at school and recently made a submission to the government's National Curriculum review. It recommended that one class of chess - "or other thinking games like bingo" - is made mandatory every week for children in Year 2 (aged six) or 3 (aged seven).
He concedes the game can be challenging for young children, but argues that by the age of six or seven they are more than capable of picking it up.
English grandmaster and Times chess correspondent Raymond Keene agrees with targeting six-year-olds at primary school - and not just because he thinks it is the optimum time to catch children with the potential to make it big.
"Chess draws from brain power, not experience - it's not like writing an epic. So if a child is good at six, they could be a grandmaster by the time they are 12," he enthuses.
He says "chess is a very addictive process, a positive drug for children". Even when it is played online, it is much better than video games or television, he adds.
But although he thinks teaching chess in schools could be beneficial, he would stop short of making it compulsory.
"There are plenty of other things that could benefit from being compulsory too, I wonder whether it would be appropriate," he says.
"Also, in Armenia the government is knocking at an open door. Chess is already so embedded in its culture, it's bound up in its national psyche and ambitions. In the UK making it compulsory might actually turn people off."

Chess greats

Garry Kasparov
  • Russia's Garry Kasparov has been ranked the World Number One most times - 23
  • Hungary's Judit Polgar has been ranked the World's Number One woman most times - 46
  • Norway's Magnus Carlsen has been ranked the World's Number One junior most times - 15
Source: World Chess Federation
Chess players may be convinced of chess' credentials, but could education experts be persuaded?
Katherine Birbalsingh, the teacher who came to public notice after a speech to the Conservative conference criticising school standards, and who is now setting up her own free school, says it is easy to see how chess would be a useful tool.
"I'm a great believer in knowledge acquisition - and chess is obviously a skill - so I can understand why it would be a good thing to teach children. My question is, what would you lose instead?
"There is so much to learn, so many subjects to put into the curriculum, it would be a shame to lose something like music or art for chess."
Chris Woodhead, the former chief inspector of schools in England, says providing chess in schools - either through clubs or classes - could be helpful, but compulsory classes are not the way forward.
"I'm not sure whether it would have a beneficial impact, but chess is an activity many people find intriguing and satisfying, so it's got to be a good to have the option," he says.
Russell Hobby, the general secretary of The National Association of Head Teachers says fostering strategic thinking is an essential employability skill. But he can't support the idea of mandatory chess.
"No more compulsory subjects. It's about finding what works with each group of children."
And in a curriculum already subject to numerous priorities, chess may struggle to make the grade.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Holidays in October? ... Guernsey !!

Guernsey International Chess Festival

Festival Information

The 37th Guernsey International Chess Festival will be held on 16-22 October 2011 at the Peninsula Hotel, Guernsey.

The Open Tournament - Sponsored by Intertrust Guernsey

A Seven Round, FIDE rated, Swiss Competition OPEN TO PLAYERS OF ANY GRADE
Players with low ratings will be encouraged by the organisers to enter the Holiday tournament
Time limit: 40 moves in 100 minutes and then 40 minutes to finish with a 30 second increment per move from move 1
ENTRY FEE £40 (includes prize-giving dinner: juniors £30 entry fee)
Main Prizes £1,200 : £600 : £300 : £200 : £150

The Holiday Tournament - Sponsored by the Pennisula Hotel

A Seven Round, Swiss Competition (with a bye possible in any of the first four rounds) OPEN TO PLAYERS GRADED BELOW 1800 Elo (150 ECF)
FIDE rated players with a FIDE rating above 1800 may enter as long as they can demonstrate their national grade is below the required cut-off. This rule is applied at the organisers’ discretion
Time limit: 40 moves in 2 hours and then 1 hour to finish
ENTRY FEE £40 (includes prize-giving dinner: juniors £30 entry fee)
Main Prizes £400 : £200 : £100 : £75


1. Rounds 1 - 6 commence at 2.00 pm each day. The final round commences at 9.30 am on Saturday.
2. New ECF grades and ECF / Elo conversion formula are being used. All games will be ECF graded.
3. The default time will continue to be one hour.

flag chess tournament
September 2011


Also this year will be held on chess tournament

Cesenatico Open Chess



The largest and most important seaside city in the province. Born and raised around all 'ancient port channel designed by Leonardo da Vinci on the will of the Duke Valentino, he developed an economic life devoted to fishing and trade that saw it be for a long time, a major traffic center frequented by merchants from all over Europe . All 'beginning of Cesenatico 900 becomes a real seaside resort with a town plan that included developing a new and precise, without, however, create a rupture with the old historic center. At present, after the tourist boom of the sixties, we can say that the city has become a true "holiday-industrial product", managing to keep alive the memory of the past and interesting. A few years ago is housed in the oldest part of portocanale the Maritime Museum, which displays a rare collection of boats' upper and middle Adriatic.


Population: 20,390; height above sea level: m 4; distance from Forlì Km 35; Market day: Friday, Municipality of Cesenatico, tel. 0547-79111; IAT Tourist Office, tel. 0547-674411-67402, fax 0547-80129; IAT Valverde, tel. 0547-85193, seasonal Marino Moretti House, 0547-82397, City Library, tel. 0547-83390; Railway Line: Ravenna - Rimini

flag chess tournament
September 2011


Work time

White to move and win 
It's not as easy as it seems to be...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

tournaments in Austria .... in July !

St. Veit Open

St. Veit/Glan


On this page you will find general information about our tournament.

Location:Fuchs Palast St. Veit an der Glan
Mode:9 rounds Swiss System
40 moves in 90 minutes + 30 minutes per player for the completion of the game, an additional 30 seconds per train from the first train.
A-tournament: national + international + Elowertung ELO rating
B Tournament: National Elowertung
Entry fee:A-tournament (including Fidegebühren): 
€ 45, - for adults
€ 30, - for Youth (U-18)
Players Elo> 2400 entry fee free! 

€ 30, - for adults
€ 20, - for Youth (U18) 

Youth Tournament (U16 / <1600 Elo born 1994):
€ 20, - 
Registration:Frederick Knapp
A-9300 St. Veit / Glan, Jakob Ladrones Way 15/14
Tel: +43 (0) 650/6047300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +43 (0) 650/6047300      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Email: @ f.knapp center
Entries:10. July 2010, 17.00 clock
Contract:The complete announcement is available as PDF file (approx. 120kB) Download it. Just click on the link below: Jacques Lemans Open 2010 invitation
