Tuesday, July 19, 2011


13th international christmas chess tournament
Litomysl (Czech Republic) 26.12.2011 – 1.1.2012

Place of doings: hall of Boarding school of Secondary pedagogical school (VOSP and SPgS) – new building,
Strakovska 1071, Litomysl
Organizer: Agentura 64, SK Agentura 64 Grygov

Right of participation: players without age and performance limitation
System: Swiss system of 9 rounds, results will be included into FIDE
Criteria used for ranking and prizes distribution: 1. number of points, 2. middle Buchholz, 3. Buchholz, 4.
average ELO of rivals, 5. lot, prizes are distributed according to Hort system among such number of players which
corresponds to number of advertised prizes
Rate of game: 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, waiting time is 1 h in case of late arrival

Tournament prize fund: altogether 33.000 CZK
Financial prizes:   1. prize 10 000 CZK
 2. prize 6 000 CZK
 3. prize 4 000 CZK
 4. prize 3 000 CZK
 5. prize 2 000 CZK
 6. prize 1 000 CZK
 7. prize 1 000 CZK
 8. prize 1 000 CZK
 9. prize 500 CZK
 10. prize 500 CZK
 best woman player – 500 CZK
 best senior (born 1951 and older) – 500 CZK
 best young player (born 1995 and younger) – 500 CZK
 best handicapped player – 500 CZK
 best player without ELO FIDE  – 500 CZK
 best player with ELO FIDE lower than 1600  – 500 CZK
 best player with ELO FIDE 1600 - 1799  – 500 CZK
 best player with ELO FIDE 1800 - 1999  – 500 CZK
 Note: exchange rate - approx. 1 EUR = 25 CZK

Boarding school of Secondary pedagogical school (VOSP and SPgS) – new building
2-bed rooms with shower and WC
possibility of no-barrier accommodation
price 700 CZK / room and night, if only 1 person occupies the room 600 CZK / room and night is charged

Boarding school of Secondary pedagogical school (VOSP and SPgS) – old building
3-bed rooms, shower and WC are common for 2 rooms
price 700 CZK / room and night, if 2 persons occupie the room 600 CZK / room and night is charged, if only
1 person occupies the room 500 CZK / room and night is charged

Possibility of no-barrier accommodation. There is a wi-fi internet connection at the boarding school area. Payments:  without FIDE ELO 800 CZK FIDE ELO 2200-2299 400 CZK
 FIDE ELO 1999 and lower 700 CZK FIDE ELO 2300-2399 200 CZK
 FIDE ELO 2000-2099 600 CZK FIDE ELO 2400 and higher 0 CZK
 FIDE ELO 2100-2199 500 CZK

IM, WGM – free accommodation at Boarding school VOSP – old building at 2-bed room
GM – free accommodation at Boarding school VOSP – new building at 2-bed room, start money 2 000 CZK
Discounts from payments: Young players up to 16 years of age (1995 and younger), pensioners and women have
discount 200 CZK. Handicapped players have discount 50%.
Obligatory registrations together with accommodation orders should be sent by 20.12.2011 to the following
Proclient s.r.o., Jaroslav Fuksik, Svedska 3, 772 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic, mobil: +420 608 364 664, e-mail:
web: http://www.a64.cz

Time schedule:

Sunday 25.12.2011 18.00 – 22.00 possibility of players’ arrival

Monday 26.12.2011 09.00 – 14.00 registration main tournament
                                              17.00 1. round

Tuesday 27.12.2011 10.00 2. round
                                 17.00 3. round

Wednesday 28.12.2011 17.00 4. round

Thursday 29.12.2011 10.00 5. round
                                  17.00 6. round

Friday 30.12.2011 17.00 7. round

Saturday 31.12.2011 14.00 8. round

Sunday 1.1.2012 10.00 9. round

New Year’s Eve programme: New Year’s Eve programme is prepared. During the evening there will take place midnight blitz tournament for a material prizes. Orders of New Year’s Eve programme until 27.12.2011.

Free time: Near the Boarding school is a tennis hall, bowling, squash courts and ice stadium. Players can use
fitness at the Boarding school.

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