Continental Chess Bulletin
May 7, 2012
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17th annual
July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 2012
Sheraton Hotel, Agoura Hills, CA
In 7 sections: Open, Under 2100, Under 1900, Under 1700, Under 1500, Under 1200, Under 900. Players may play up.
6 rounds, choice of 4-day, 3-day or 2-day schedule; the schedules merge and compete for the same prizes.
21st annual
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 2012
Westin North Shore Hotel, Wheeling, IL
GM and IM norms possible in Open Section
Reserve your hotel room now to insure obtaining the chess rate- call 800-937-8461 or 847-777-6500. Online advance entry closes Monday, May 21.
Dates changed from June 28-July 2 to June 29-July 3. Eight foreign GMs have already entered! The $800 minimum prize for the first 5 foreign GMs is no longer available to others, however a $300 minimum prize is available for all GMs, as well as foreign IMs and foreign WGMs. FULL DETAILS ENTER NOW
FIRST CCA TOURNAMENT OUTSIDE THE USA! BAHAMAS INTERNATIONAL & AMATEUR, October 24-28 or 26-28, Wyndham Nassau Resort & Crystal Palace Casino, Nassau, Bahamas. $12,000 guaranteed prize fund; GM and IM norms possible in Open Section. Six GMs have entered, so the $700 minimum prize for the first 6 GMs to enter is no longer available to other GMs.
May 18-20 or 19-20: NEW YORK STATE OPEN at Tiki Resort, Lake George. $3000 guaranteed prizes. Includes SENIOR SECTION for age 50/above rated under 1910 or unrated, and new UNDER 1310 SECTION with low entry fee. ENTER NOW
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28: 21st annual CHICAGO OPEN at Westin North Shore Hotel, Wheeling, Illinois. $100,000 PRIZE FUND UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED. Open is 9 rounds with GM and IM norms possible, other sections 7 rounds. The Under 2300 Section returns after a few years absence and is FIDE rated; raising the 2nd section eligibility from Under 2100 to Under 2300 plus new free entry to IMs, WGMs & foreign FMs should make the Open stronger and increase norm chances. NOTE CHANGE: Under 1100 Section now plays May 26-28 (G/90, d/5) or May 27-28. ENTER NOW SIDE EVENTS
June 8-10 or 9-10: NORTHEAST OPEN at Sheraton Hotel, Stamford, CT (formerly Holiday Inn Select). $8000 guaranteed prizes. ENTER NOW
June 24: 2nd annual SCHENECTADY OPEN at Studio of Bridge & Games. 1-day, 4-round tournament with $1000 guaranteed prizes. ENTER NOW
June 29-July 3 (NEW DATES): 9th annual PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL at Sheraton Hotel. 9 rounds, $8000 guaranteed prizes. 8 foreign GMs have already entered! The $800 minimum prize to the first 5 foreign GMs to enter is no longer available, but a $300 minimum prize is available to other GMs and to foreign IMs and foreign WGMs (must play all 9 games). Note that dates are changed from June 28-July 2 to June 29-July 3, but the tournament is still Friday through Tuesday. ENTER NOW
June 30-July 8: WORLD OPEN SIDE EVENTS. Includes an Under 2300 G/30 on Saturday, June 30, Under 2200 G/90 July 1-2 and Under 2100 G/90 July 3-4, as well as quick and blitz events July 5-8.
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5: 40th annual WORLD OPEN at Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia. 9 rounds in most sections, $250,000 projected prizes, $200,800 minimum. GM and IM norms possible in Open Section. Four FIDE rated sections: Open, Under 2400, Under 2200, and new Women's Championship. 6 round Senior Amateur, 6 round Women's Championship and 9 round Under 13 Championship play July 1-3, allowing these players to also play in a July 4-8, 5-8 or 6-8 section. ENTER NOW SIDE EVENTS
July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22: 17th annual PACIFIC COAST OPEN at Sheraton Hotel, Agoura Hills, California (26 miles west of Burbank). Free parking, $89 room rates. 6 rounds, $25,000 projected prizes, $15,000 minimum. ENTER NOW
July 20-22 or 21-22: 5th annual CHICAGO CLASS at Westin North Shore Hotel, Wheeling, Illinois. Free parking. $20,000 prize fund unconditionally guaranteed. ENTER NOW
July 27-29 or 28-29: 17th annual BRADLEY OPEN, Sheraton Hotel at Bradley Airport, Windsor Locks, CT. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $8000 guaranteed prizes. ENTER NOW
July 27-29 or 28-29: 20th annual SOUTHERN OPEN at Wyndham Orlando Resort. Free parking, low room rates. $16,000 projected prizes, $12,000 minimum. ENTER NOW
August 3-5 or 4-5: CLEVELAND OPEN at Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $16,000 guaranteed prize fund. Free entry to IMs and WGMs as well as GMs! ENTER NOW
August 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12: 42nd annual CONTINENTAL OPEN, Host Hotel at Cedar Lake, Sturbridge, MA. 6 rounds, $30,000 projected prizes, $21,000 minimum. Great summer vacation spot- swim in Cedar Lake, experience early 19th century New England at Old Sturbridge Village. ENTER NOW
August 17-19 or 18-19: 4th annual CENTRAL CALIFORNIA OPEN, Radisson Hotel, Fresno. Free parking, free airport shuttle. $10,000 projected prizes. Cosponsored by Fresno Chess Club. ENTER NOW
August 17-19 or 18-19: 7th annual INDIANAPOLIS OPEN at convenient new site, Crowne Plaza Hotel at Indianapolis Airport. $89 room rates, free parking, free airport shuttle. Prizes $16,000 projected, $12,000 minimum. ENTER NOW
August 17-19 or 18-19: 11th annual MANHATTAN OPEN at New Yorker Hotel, across from Penn Station. 6 rounds, 10 sections (as low as Under 700), $35,000 guaranteed prizes. ENTER NOW
August 24-26 or 25-26: 44th annual ATLANTIC OPEN at Westin Hotel, Washington, DC, 5 blocks from the White House. $20,000 guaranteed prizes. ENTER NOW
Sept 21-23 or 22-23: 5th annual LOUISVILLE OPEN at Holiday Inn Southwest Fair Expo. $7000 guaranteed prizes; includes scholastic sections Saturday and Sunday. Details soon.
October 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 or 6-7: 3rd annual CONTINENTAL CLASS at Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA. Master Section 9 rounds with GM & IM norms possible, other sections 7 rounds. $50,000 projected prizes, $30,000 minimum. $500 minimum prize to first 5 foreign GMs to enter, $300 minimum prize to first 5 foreign IMs to enter (must play all 9 games). ENTER NOW
October 5-7 or 6-7: 9th annual LOS ANGELES OPEN. 5 rounds at Sheraton Four Points LAX. $15,000 projected prizes, $10,000 minimum. Details soon.
October 24-28 or 26-28: BAHAMAS INTERNATIONAL & AMATEUR, Wyndham Nassau Resort & Crystal Palace Casino, Nassau, Bahamas. First CCA tournament ever outside the United States! $12,000 guaranteed prize fund. 9 round Open with GM and IM norms possible, 6 round Amateur and Reserve Sections. The $700 minimum prize to the first 6 GMs to enter is no longer available, as 6 GMs have entered! ENTER NOW
November 9-11 or 10-11: 21st annual KINGS ISLAND OPEN at Kings Island Resort, Mason, OH. Ohio's largest open tournament, $30,000 projected prizes, $24,000 minimum. Special chess rates only $64!
about CCA chess tournaments (revised Aug 8, 2011)
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