Monday, June 20, 2011

XXII. International Goch Open 2011

PlaceKultur- und Kongresszentrum Kastell
47574 Goch
Modus- 7 Rounds Swiss-System
- Time of reflection 90 minutes plus 30 seconds per move
   for the first 40 moves and then
   15 minutes plus 30 seconds per move to the end of the game
- no adjourned games
- Players arriving 30 minutes or more after the start
  of a round shall lose (FIDE Art. 6.6)
- scoring: win 3 points, drawn 1 point!
- Tie-Break at the same level of points,
   after that middle of Buchholz
- draw with SwissChess
- maximum 150 players
Schedule1. Round Thu, 29.09.2010 at 19:00 o'Clock
2. Round Fri, 30.09.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
3. Round Fri, 30.09.2011 at 16:00 o'clock
4. Round Sat, 01.10.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
5. Round Sat, 01.10.2011 at 16:00 o'clock
6. Round Sun, 02.10.2011 at 10:00 o'clock
7. Round Sun, 02.10.2011 at 15:30 o'clock
Awardabout 30 minutes after the last game.
Prizes1. Place    1.000,- €
2. Place    700,- €
3. Place    450,- €
4. Place    250,- €
5. Place    150,- €
TeamprizesThe four most successful players from a club will form a team.
Players, who already got a price (places 1-5) may not take part in a team.
For players, who got a Ratingsprice (group 1-9) it is allowed to take part in a team.
1. Winnerteam.......200,- €
2. Winnerteam.......100,- €
minimum eight teams, each team with minimum four players
RatingprizesPlayers with two or more Ratings: the highest rating is the one needed.
Players without a rating are in the lowest group.
1) 2100 - 2199
2) 2000 - 2099
3) 1900 - 1999
4) 1800 - 1899
5) 1700 - 1799
6) 1600 - 1699
7) 1500 - 1599
8) 1400 - 1499
9)          - 1399
1. Winner.......100,- €
2. Winner.........50,- €
minimum twelve players in each group
Entry-feefor all players 45,- € to pay till 21.09.2011
If you pay after 21.09.2011 you have to pay 50 €.
Enrolments are possible till 18:00 o'clock at the first day of the play.
The Entry-fee is to pay on the following account:
Owner: Wolfgang Evers
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Account-Nr. 852 186 26, BLZ 300 501 10
IBAN: DE09 3005 0110 0085 2186 26
We need the following Infos:
Name, Club, Date of birth
something elseIt is forbidden to smoke! 
Do not use your Mobile-phone in the tournament-room! 
Congress Centre without architectural feature that denies accesses to the handicapped! 
Every player can win only one prize!
Referee is Wolfgang Evers.
The tournament counts for the ELO-Rating and the national german DWZ-Rating.
AccomodationHotel am Kastell, Mr. van Ooyen
Telephone: +0049 2823 / 96 20 or Fax +0049 2823 / 96 244
InscriptionWolfgang Evers
Telephone: +0049 211 / 37 64 21
Mobile: + 0049 172 / 15 87 737

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