Friday, September 21, 2012







The annual National Conference of the Australian Chess Federation (ACF) elects members of the ACF Executive each alternate year. The 2013 National Conference will be convened on Wednesday, 9 January 2013 during the rest day of the 2013 Australian Open Chess Championship in Sydney and will elect members of the Executive, including the ACF President.


Pursuant to the ACF Constitution, nominations are now called for the offices of ACF President, Deputy President, Vice President (two positions), Secretary and Treasurer.


The ACF Constitution specifies that candidates of the ACF President shall be limited to persons who have “advised the Federation in writing of their willingness to serve as President (with) such advice having been received by the Federation not less than 90 days before the date on which the annual National Conference at which the elections are due is scheduled to start”. The ACF’s rules regarding the election of the ACF President can be viewed on the ACF website


Nominations for the other members of the Executive, unlike the nomination for the President, can be received up to the time the election to fill each office is due to be held. Also, if there is no nomination for President within the prescribed period, nominations for President may be received as for other Executive members.


How to submit your nomination for the office of ACF President or for other positions in the ACF Executive.


Email is the preferred medium for the submission of nominations. You can submit your nomination by email to the ACF Secretary



Should you be unable to transmit by email, the address for the submission of hardcopy nominations is as follows:


Tom Accola

ACF Secretary

P O Box 7063

Warringah Mall NSW 2100


Nominations for the position of ACF President must be submitted and received by midnight on 10 October 2012.


All nominations will be formally acknowledged within 72 hours. If you have not received an acknowledgement of your application by this time, please contact me on telephones 0404 001 814 (M) or 02 9905 5035 (H).


Tom Accola, ACF Secretary


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